The Politics of NJ’s “Voucher Bill”
March 22, 2013Sunday Leftovers
March 24, 2013Quote of The Day
Ryan Hill, President of the TEAM Academy Charter Schools in Newark, regarding the new KIPP schools to be built and operated in Camden under the auspices of the Urban Hope Act (NJ Spotlight):
The head of the KIPP network in New Jersey said he was optimistic about what the new schools may bring to Camden. He cited recent state statistics showing that only a tiny fraction of students coming out of the city’s schools are prepared for college-level work.
“We think we can be a big part of the solution in moving that number way, way, way north,” said Ryan Hill, president of the TEAM Academy charter schools in Newark that are part of KIPP’s national network.
“It probably will be a different level of challenge than we have encountered, even in Newark,” he said. “We’re up for it, and putting our best people on it, and we’re excited about tackling it.”