Camden Parent on Superintendent Rouhanifard’s Community Engagement
July 7, 2015QOD: New Brunswick Board Member and Charter School Chief on the N.J. Charter Moratorium Bill
July 8, 2015QOD: It’s Time for a “Middle Class Politics of Education”
FOX’s first GOP debate is a month from now and Republican presidential candidates, with the exception of Jeb Bush, can’t disavow college and career-ready standards and assessments fast enough. So it’s up to the Democratic Party to stand up for low-income students who continue to get short shrift in the nation’s public schools. Andy Rotherham of Bellwether (and Eduwonk) is less than optimistic:
It’s exasperating that Democrats can’t embrace a comprehensive and reformist politics around education. Nine percent of low-income students get a bachelor’s degree by the time they are 24, compared to about four in five more affluent students. It seems more than a little crazy that the party that purports to speak for the little guy isn’t all over that and doesn’t have an aggressive plan to take it on. Solving that problem includes tackling education and non-education issues but it unavoidably demands hard look at our educational system. How we finance, staff, organize, and hold schools accountable has to be part of any serious improvement agenda. Part of the problem with a robust and comprehensive agenda is special interest politics, of course, that’s an old story. But it doesn’t explain all of it and people who only focus on the unions are missing an important part of the story.
The union does play a role, of course, in the widespread denial of educational mediocrity (see NJEA’s bombast, for example) but that’s their job: protect the status quo. What’s more troubling is that many middle-class families take this propaganda as gospel and reject efforts to maintain meaningful oversight and accountability.
Now, New Jersey may be an extreme example. We’re die-hard local control fanatics who cherish our small towns and district identities. As such, we adhere to what Rotherham calls the “middle class politics of education” which “means leaving suburban schools alone to rise and fall as they might. This has led to widespread mediocrity and pockets of excellence…and neutering accountability systems to mask uncomfortable bad news about school performance…”
So, if you happen to live in a Princeton, NJ (homebase of Save Our Schools, that bastion of local control politics) your kids are mostly fine.
If you happen to live thirteen miles away in Hamilton, NJ, many of your kids aren’t so fine.
New Jersey’s median household income is $71,637. The median household income in Hamilton is $72,735. I arbitrarily chose a K-5 Hamilton elementary school, Alexander Elementary School, where 78% of the enrollment is white and 14.6% are economically-disadvantaged. (This cohort is more homogeneous and wealthier than many of Hamilton’s other schools.) According to its School Performance Report, Alexander’s ” academic performance is about average when compared to schools across the state.”
So, what’s average for a typical middle-class N.J. elementary school, pre-higher level PARCC assessments?
One out of four third-grade students fail the state basic skills test in language arts.
According to the Campaign for Grade Level Reading, “reading proficiency by third grade is the most important predictor of high school graduation and career success. Yet every year, more than 80 percent of low-income children miss this crucial milestone.” According to the Annie E. Casey Foundation, “millions of American children get to fourth grade without learning to read proficiently, and that puts them on the high school dropout track.”
So at middle-class Alexander Elementary, one of those schools that we’re so proud of, 24% of third-graders are on track to drop out of high school. Rotherham says that nothing will change until we embrace a “middle-class politics of education,” It’s too late for the Republican Party, at least this election cycle, but maybe it’s not too late for New Jersey.
Once again, Laura, you get it wrong. The union's job is to advance the interests of its members. More often than not, that means extracting the highest wage possible for a given quantity of work. In my district, teachers are happy to go with the flow as long as their total comp is increasing over time.
A thought problem for you free-market 'reformers': How do you expect to attract the 'best and brightest' to the teaching profession if you choke about paying the going rate for the current crew?
Who says we “choke at paying the going rate for the current crew?” Most ed reformers I know (I reject the “free market” appellation) are thoroughly in favor of increasing teacher salaries.