COMMENTARY: Head of NJ Public Radio Wishes She Could Press ‘Unsend’ on Charter-Bashing Email
September 27, 2021
With JerseyCAN’s Support, New Teacher Certification Pilot Program Signed Into Law
September 28, 2021Asbury Park Teachers and Parents Respond to Resignation of ‘Hero’ Principal
Ten days ago NJ Education Report published, “BREAKING: Asbury Park Principal, a Hero to the Community, Resigns From the District He Called a ‘Crime Syndicate.'” Inside sources explained that Thurgood Marshall Elementary School Principal Reginald Mirthil abruptly resigned because “he wouldn’t play ball with the Carteret Cartel,” a reference to the district’s long history of administrative nepotism and corruption, described more fully in other recent pieces about Asbury Park Public Schools. Some of these reports have provoked unprofesional social media outrage from Acting Superintendent Rashawn Adams:
🚨Laura Waters from the Blog! This is my 1st & only response!Keep Asbury Park School District:Students,Staff and Community name out your mouth! You and those 3🤡 sources are Racist! Those 3🤡 disrespect the entire district’s hard work! The entitlement is over,they gotta work now!
— Dr. RaShawn M. Adams (@DrRaShawnAdams) September 9, 2021
Yet it is comments from ordinary readers–teachers, parents, community members— that ring most true regarding the sudden resignation of Mirthil. As Asbury Park Education Association President John Napolitani confirms in an email sent to all staff after teachers told NJ Education Report that the first day of school was a “shitshow,” staff members are “afraid of retaliation…It’s sad when we are grown adults and concerned about being punished for trying to make sure the children are properly educated.”
Here are some of those comments (from NJ Ed Report’s Facebook page). They were written by those who work each day in Asbury Park or send their children there, with names redacted. Overwhelmingly, these Asbury Park residents convey their distress over the loss of a school leader described as a “hero” and “tireless advocate” for children, as well as the dissolution of a district that Mirthil himself labeled an “organized crime syndicate/gang.”
“One of the most dedicated educators I have had the pleasure of knowing however we all know what happens when you don’t kiss the ring.”
“The GOOD ones always get ousted!!! The CHILDREN are the ones who pay the price!! Wake up people!!”
“This is a major loss. He is a stand up representative of the community and tireless advocate for our students. The political climate is toxic and does not value anything other than power that is almost always abused.”
“More shame for the despicable leadership (present and past) of the Asbury Park School District, and a loss for the students and taxpayers of the town.”
“He should be the superintendent instead of the current acting superintendent who is an awful human being.”
“What a shame. When did education become so political that it’s impacting our children?”
“Maybe Tom’s River can hire him as superintendent!!!”
“I hope they find someone better than him. Normally replacements suck as they don’t have the same commitment. It is now the district’s responsibility to find someone better. Most likely, they won’t. I’m sure this principal will be missed.”
“Even when you do good, and you set examples and create high standards as a norm. THEY want you to fail all because THEY didn’t think of it first, but wants ALL the credit. AND HAD THE AUDACITY to post his job THE NEXT DAY. He didn’t want to be apart of THEIR status-quo. Nah SKIP, he don’t wanna play YOUR ball. I hope this man gets the opportunity of a LIFETIME and continues to be an educator in a position of leadership for our children. This is unnerving so say the least.”
“I’m glad people like this exist, hopefully they’re ideals will prevail one day. I met this man several times. I’ve never seen his level of dedication and going the extra mile in a district like this before. It’s such a loss.”