Large Nuts
August 24, 2008And the Next Pitch…
August 26, 2008Cory Booker on Teachers’ Unions
Mickey Kaus of Slate is attending the Democratic National Convention in Denver, and reports back that he attended an event called “The Ed Challenge for Change,” fully expecting to hear all those buzzwords like “change” and “accountability” without reference to what he calls “the elephant in the room, namely the teachers’ unions.”
To his surprise, there was a strong anti-union sentiment there. Reports Kaus,
Then Cory Booker of Newark attacked teachers unions specifically–and there was applause. In a room of 500 people at the Democratic convention! “The politics are so vicious,” Booker complained, remembering how he’d been told his political career would be over if he kept pushing school choice, how early on he’d gotten help from Republicans rather than from Democrats. The party would “have to admit as Democrats we have been wrong on education.” Loud applause!
Is the tide turning?