James Bond Takes on Teacher Tenure
March 2, 2011Quotes of the Day
March 3, 2011Dawson Turn-Around
Dr. Priscilla Dawson, from: Principal in Charge of Funded Programs/Grant Management, to: Executive Director of Turn Around Schools, Office of Turn Around Schools, Administration Bldg, at the salary of $152,421 (no change in salary), effective March 1, 2011 through June 30, 2011.
The above is from the approved minutes of the Trenton City Board of Education, appointing Dr. Dawson to a newly-created position as head of the turnaround office charged with restructuring four of Trenton’s failing schools.
Dr. Dawson went on paid leave in 2007, returning last year as a “Principal on Special Assignment” while the district went through the process of trying to revoke her tenure. The tenure charges resulted from an investigation by the Board and the DOE that found that during the school year 2004-2005 students at the Sherman Avenue annex, part of Trenton Central High, were given credit for courses they never took and allowed to skip mandatory subjects like science.
But Judge Ana Viscomi ruled that the charges were unwarranted. Dr. Dawson will now begin her new assignment at her old salary of $152,421.