Inzelbuch asks, Where Is the Oversight in Lakewood? He Needs To Widen His Lens.
July 25, 2018
Guest Post: Lakewood Yeshivas are “Day Care Centers” Until Proven Otherwise
July 30, 2018Dear State Board of Ed: Hold Your Horses and Wait For Families!
This is a just-issued letter, sent to members of the State Board of Education, from New Jersey education leaders who value accurate assessments of student learning.
July 27, 2018
New Jersey State Board of Education
100 River View Plaza
PO Box 500
Trenton, NJ 08625-050
Dear State Board of Education Members:
At the July 11, 2018 meeting of the State Board of Education, the Board announced that open public comment on N.J.A.C. 6A:8 Standards and Assessment would be held on August 1, 2018. As you know, these regulations make recommended changes to our state’s assessment system. As these recommendations pertain to a matter of great importance, we respectfully request that open public comment on these proposed regulations be moved to the September 12, 2018 Board Meeting. Convening this important conversation in September, when school districts are in session and families are not traveling, ensures that all interested stakeholders will have adequate notice and a fair opportunity to deliver oral testimony before the members of the State Board of Education. In addition, as these regulations concern longstanding educational policy, we request that the State Board follow all procedural steps and examine these regulations at each level of discussion and not to use an expedited process.
We thank you for these considerations.
Rose Acerra, President, New Jersey PTA
Donna Custard, President, New Jersey Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Michael Taylor, Education Committee Chair, African American Chamber Commerce of New Jersey
Tia Morria, Executive Director, Teach for America New Jersey
Shelley Skinner, Executive Director, Better Education for Kids
Patricia Morgan, Executive Director, JerseyCAN