Reader Describes NJ Parent Enthusiasm for School Choice Program
June 18, 2012Between the Lines At Yesterday’s Senate Hearing on Tenure Reform
June 19, 2012Diane Ravitch’s Verdict on NJ’s Proposed Tenure Reform Bill:
“New Jersey Has a Bad Idea.” She pontificates further on Sen. Ruiz’s tenure reform bill,
It is part of the rightwing assault on the teaching profession. The state gets to define “effective,” then can take the right to due process away from those who don’t meet the benchmarks arbitrarily created by the state, which is eager to fire teachers and make room for teaching temps. I have said it before and I’ll say it again. Teachers without the right to due process may be fired for any reason or for no reason. Teachers without the right to due process will never teach anything controversial. Teachers without due process rights will never disagree with their principal. Teachers without due process rights have no academic freedom.
Hmm. One bill, that updates a century-old set of tenure laws yet retains due process, has the power to radically transform an unencumbered profession (apparently we’re not worrying about restrictions already in place, like the Common Core and standardized assessments) into some menacing Kafkaesque bureaucracy. What district wants to fire effective educators to “make room for teaching temps”? Anyway, some paranoia with your morning joe.