Should High School Graduation be Contingent on Proficiency?
March 16, 2016Perfect Example of #OptOutSoWhite
March 17, 2016Headline vs. Lede in NYT Story on Charter School DIscipline Policies
Headline on today’s Motoko Rich story: “Charter Schools Suspend Black and Disabled Students More, Study Says”
Lede in today’s Motoko Rich story: “These inequities are similar to those in traditional public schools, where black and disabled students are disproportionately disciplined for even minor infractions, and as early as preschool — although on average, charter schools suspend pupils at slightly higher rates than traditional public schools.”
We can all agree that all public schools — indeed, all schools, public and private — need to address disciplinary disproportionalities. On the other hand, we don’t need to distort or inflame the issue, right?