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September 27, 2023
Three Asbury Park Updates
September 27, 2023MIGUEIS: Did Our Superintendent Violate Nepotism Rules? We’d Like An Answer.
John Migueis is a resident of Berkeley Heights and contributor to Berkeley Heights Community Watch.
It has been over two years since a family member in Berkeley Heights submitted an ethics complaint alleging the Superintendent of Berkeley Heights, Dr. Melissa Varley, violated ethical standards by hiring her family member.
Since then, residents discovered contradictions in her public statements and affidavit that appear to admit she violated the nepotism standard. Subsequently, the NJ Attorney General’s Office referred the matter to the Office of Criminal Justice.
It has been two years, and there is still no closure on the matter despite the evidence being easily accessible on video and text.
While the majority of members of the Berkeley Heights Board of Education scrambles desperately to create sanctions out of thin air against members who are trying to make positive change in our District, they remain oddly silent on this and other matters.
The following is an email I sent recently to the NJ Attorney General, the Office of Criminal Justice, and the Department of Education with links to prior emails and attachments.
Good Afternoon,
I am following up on an email I sent back in January of this year regarding Dr. Melissa Varley’s nepotism case (emails and attachments attached as a PDF on this email). Also included in the attachment packet below is an email I sent to the Berkeley Heights BOE in October of 2022.
The email sent to your offices connected to statements made by Dr. Varley to the public and how they appeared to contrast with statements in her signed affidavit.
The email sent to the Berkeley Heights BOE questioned the propriety/legality of a settlement offer in this matter.
I attached both emails and all attachments for your review and respectfully request an update as to the status of this investigation.
The Superintendent position is one of immense public trust, and this case represents one of MANY concerns families in our community have about the current actions of this Superintendent and several members of our Board of Education.
This case is also a matter of significant public interest as it puts on display the willingness of those responsible to hold those with powerful positions accountable.
This case has its basis in actions taken by the Superintendent and the Board of Education in June of 2021. A resident submitted a complaint in August of 2021.
We are now past the two-year mark from when this all started. This case is a simple matter- it does not involve an international crime network – much of the evidence is already on tape and in writing.
There appears to be a degree of reverse logic occurring here. I understand that your positions exist to protect the public – I do not believe they exist to delay matters of significant public interest to our community until the laws change, statutes of limitations run out, or in the hopes that people forget about it.
The above is not an accusation but a reasonable concern based on the timeline and events that have occurred thus far.
Please provide me with a response that is more than “We are looking into it.” – the public deserves better.
Thank you.
John Migueis
Berkeley Heights, NJ
I have yet to receive a substantive response from the Berkeley Heights Board of Education or the state agencies involved. I (other residents too) have yet to even receive a response on the cost of Dr. Varley’s defense in this matter and whether the district will be reimbursed for these cost.
Here (click on the link) are the prior emails and documents submitted to relevant NJ entities and the Berkeley Heights Board of Education :
This is the a timeline of events:
This is Dr. Varley’s comments on the hiring of her family member during a 06/24/2021 school board meeting: