Quote of the Day: How is School Choice like Gay Marriage?
October 22, 2012Obama and Romney on U.S. Education
October 23, 2012More Details on Facebook’s Funding of Newark’s New Contract Provisions
This morning John Mooney has an interview with Greg Taylor, the head of Foundation for Newark’s Future, which is the organization responsible for distributing Mark Zuckerberg’s $100 million donation to Newark Public Schools. Mr. Taylor confirms that Facebook funds will be paying for the proposed contract with Newark Teachers Union, which should be voted on next. week. From NJ Spotlight:
The centerpiece of the new five-year contract between the state-run district and the Newark Teachers Union is the provision that directly ties teacher raises to positive evaluations each year — with bonuses of up to $12,500 awarded to exemplary teachers working in the toughest schools and fields.
The foundation will be paying those bonuses, as well as other personnel costs. Although an exact amount has not yet been revealed, district officials say it could reach $50 million.