More RTTT Detritus of the Day
August 26, 2010Schundler Out
August 27, 2010Most Intriguing Reviewer Comment from our RTTT Application
While the majority of NJEA local affiliates gave only conditional approval to the MOU in participating districts, the state presentation clarified the two areas of concern: seniority provisions relating to Reductions in Force (RIF) and merit pay, both based on teacher effectiveness measures. The presentation also clarified that pending legislative action will make these provisions requirements, potentially rendering the local union resistance irrelevant.
1 Comment
Intriguing indeed. Seems like the team may have promised template legislation based on the deeply flawed legislation adopted in stellar education states like Louisiana, Kentucky and Colorado. Who wouldn't want to have a school system more like theirs? see:
Setting aside the god-awful state of education in states that have jumped on the bandwagon, here's a series of posts that provide substantive critique of the various problems with blunt instrument teacher evaluation bills adopted in these states and with using value-added assessments as a basis for rating teachers and potentially firing/dismissing and/or “de-tenuring” them.