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October 2, 2014New N.J. Family column: Four Key Facts About the Common Core
It starts here:
There’s clearly not much that Louis C.K. likes about the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), and he’s hardly alone in his disdain for these academic objectives in mathematics and language arts. In fact, Louis C.K. is tapping into a growing movement against standardizing academic expectations for American students.
Lest you think this is a liberals-only cause, note the anti-Common Core right-wingers who are riding the bandwagon. Passengers include ultra-conservative Glenn Beck (“This is the progressive movement coming in for the kill” with its “ultra-liberal ideology”), Eagle Forum President and anti-feminist Phyllis Schlafly (“Obama Core is a comprehensive plan to dumb down schoolchildren”) and the Koch brothers (with billions of dollars to invest in the anti-standards movement).
So let’s drill down to some common ground on the Common Core with four facts.
Read the rest here. Or you can pick it up in local libraries, supermarkets, and schools (plus you’ll get to see the Louis C.K. tweet in the hard copy version).