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July 10, 2023New Report: New Jersey Fails the Equitable Access Test
Today, Yes. Every Kid. released a new report outlining an extensive analysis of state laws regarding access to public schools. The non-profit focuses on equitable access to all public schools regardless of zip code and political considerations.
How does New Jersey fare in this mission to “break down barriers to public education and not discriminate against students based on where they live?”
Of the twelves metrics that inform the analysis, New Jersey meets only one, giving home-school students access to district extra-curricular activities.
According to the analysis of all 50 states, Idaho, Iowa, and Minnesota provide families the most flexible access to their public schools, “offering homeschool students, nonpublic students, and even nonresident students access to public school courses, services and extracurricular activities. Only 24 states explicitly outline a policy for nonpublic students to access classes and/or clubs offered by their public schools, while only 15 states make it mandatory for school districts to participate. Ten states treat access to a public school as a right for all students regardless of where they attend school on a full-time basis.
Senior Legislative Analyst Lily Landry and Government Affairs Associate Sam Niederholzer, offered the following statement:
“States should break down barriers to public education and not discriminate against students based on where they live or what type of school they attend for majority of the week. Usually, when we think of public institutions, we think of those which are free to all without regard for race, gender, income, or social status. Public education should be the same way. In empowering all families to have flexible access to public schools, we can further empower them to customize education in any way which best fits their children.”