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January 14, 2025
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January 15, 2025Newark Tax Dollars Need To Be Spent In Newark Classrooms
Dear Newark neighbors, how does it feel to be on the hook for Superintendent Roger Leon’s wasteful parties?
Let’s back up. This month a state investigation by the Office of Fiscal Accountability and Compliance (OFAC) found that Leon’s “Superintendent Fun Day” last June, which cost $43,813.90 paid for by state taxpayers, violated three state statutes that govern under what circumstances a school district can spend taxpayer money on an event.
Therefore, OFAC has ordered Newark Public Schools to refund that state money to the tune of $33,000 (about 76% of the total). One detail of OFAC’s findings is that this refund comes solely on the backs of local taxpayers. In other words, Newark residents, that’s all from our wallets.
This extravagant party for 275 Central Office staff members (and their 140 children— no teachers or students)) took place last June at Forest Lodge, which is, according to the resort’s website, a “sprawling and idyllic property located in Somerset County, New Jersey.” Events included a rock wall, a claw machine, a hula-hoop contest, an egg toss competition, a corn hole tournament, relay races, and a limbo competition.
All this while only 31% of our students can read at grade-level and only 17% can do grade-level math.
OFAC found that, according to TAPintoNewark, the Fun Day was an “inappropriate way to spend taxpayer money intended for educating Newark children.” The report, that will require NPS to create a corrective action plan, says
“The activities held during Fun Day were largely recreational and focused on leisure, competition and amusement. The event lacked an educational or professional development component and did not demonstrate a clear connection to the district’s strategic objectives or organizational development.”
We could have told you that, Mr. Leon. While we’re glad you all had fun, now Newark taxpayers — 24% of whom live in poverty— must cough up $33K. Don’t believe me? Here’s New Jersey State Senator Declan O’Scanlon:
I’m tired of Newark educational leaders using our money for frivolous activities that have nothing to do with our children’s academic achievement. I’m tired of reading about how we paid for 19 staff members to go to a luxury resort in Las Vegas that included “a poolside bar with $20 cocktails, tuna niçoise and Wagyu beef.” I’m tired of the School Board rolling over and approving extravagant expenses while Leon parties with his besties and plays corn hole on our dime.
When will this stop? When is “enough” enough? When will the School Board State stop fiddling along the edges and demand some level of accountability from the superintendent, who makes $309,000 a year, plus generous benefits, and seems to spend his time ignoring what matters to his constituency and focusing on self-indulgence.
I’ve had enough. Have you?