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January 17, 2018NJ Charter School Association’s Statement on Phil Murphy’s Nominee for Education Commissioner
Position Statement: Governor-elect Murphy’s Nomination of Dr. Lamont Repollet
Attribution: New Jersey Charter Schools Association’s Nicole Cole, Esq.
January 12, 2018
The New Jersey Charter Schools Association applauds Governor-elect Murphy’s nomination of Dr. Lamont Repollet as the next DOE Commissioner. Dr. Repollet is an experienced and committed educator who has served New Jersey’s children with distinction as an educator, administrator, school leader, and board member.
We appreciate that Dr. Repollet brings to the position the perspective of a hands-on practitioner who understands the challenges of urban education, as well as what is required for all students to succeed in college and career. Dr. Repollet understands traditional public schools and public charter schools, and it appears, to him, school type does not matter. Quality matters and focusing on kids first. We agree and with that, are excited for Dr. Repollet’s leadership to begin.
We look forward to a robust and collaborative relationship with Governor-elect Murphy and Commissioner Repollet as we work together to support social justice in New Jersey by enhancing access to high-quality educational opportunity for all and improving the outcomes of education for all New Jersey’s students.