TRACTENBERG: Murphy’s Education Department Is Failing Lakewood Students
August 28, 2023
New Report: Camden Is Top Loser In Fair Charter School Funding
August 28, 2023NJ Republicans Release Ad Slamming Murphy’s Gender Identity School Rules
The Republican State Leadership Committee (RSLC) released a new wave of digital ads today underscoring how New Jersey Democrats want to shut out parents from having a say in their children’s education.
The 30-second five-figure ads will air in four districts and highlight how Governor Murphy and state Democrats are in lockstep with D.C. liberals- embracing a radical school curriculum that excludes parental rights- all while state Republicans continue to push for empowering parents.
“By pushing an extremely divisive curriculum in schools, Trenton Democrats think they know better than New Jersey parents. Governor Murphy and his allies in the Democrat-controlled Legislature are on the wrong side of this issue which is why New Jerseyans are going to elect more state Republicans this November and have their voices heard.” –RSLC Deputy Executive Director Edith Jorge-Tuñon
Here’s the video: