September 5, 2008

Keansburg update

The Asbury Park Press reports today that the DOE’s case against the Keansburg superintendent, who is due to receive $184,586 in unused sick days and […]
September 4, 2008

Poached Eggs

The Star-Ledger reported yesterday that three Freehold Regional School administrators were ordered to strip the “Ph.D” from their titles after news broke that they received […]
September 2, 2008

Booker and Friends

The Los Angeles Times has an op ed co-written by John Doerr, partner in a venture capital firm, Ted Mitchell, chief executive of NewSchools Venture […]
August 29, 2008

Good read

Here’s some worthwhile reading from Megan McArdle of the Atlantic Monthly, who muses about teacher unions’ resistance to any sort of merit pay, the incongruity […]
August 29, 2008

Union Fist-Bump

A piece in the Star Ledger today delves into a bill that never got signed. In June, the NJ Legislature voted to scale back pension […]
August 28, 2008

Doomsday for 6A

New Jersey School Boards Association has a piece by Ray Pinney today, whose title at NJSBA is “Grassroots Coordinator and Lobbyist.” Pinney, in “Regionalization: Is […]