Data Impasse
May 11, 2010Here’s NJ’s RTTT Application,
May 12, 2010Quote of the Day
But some of Mr. Booker’s biggest allies worry about the more than 40,000 students, or about 90% of the city’s kids, who don’t attend [high performing] charters. Newark’s high schools graduated 54% of its seniors last year, but that included students who didn’t pass the standard high-school exit exam and instead took an alternative test widely criticized as too easy. At Central High School, for instance, only 4% of the students last year passed using the standard state high school test…One study showed that in 2008, 98% of Newark students attending a local community college required extra help in math, and 87% needed it in English and reading.
The Wall Street Journal on what some perceive Mayor Cory Booker’s lack of aggression in seizing control of Newark’s failing district schools.