Does Teacher Proficiency Matter?
August 24, 2009African-American High Schoolers in N.J. Drop Further Behind
August 26, 2009Quote of the Day
New Jersey spends more on education than any other state in the nation, but we are not getting a good return on those dollars when 20% of graduates can’t pass an 8th grade level assessment and 30% of “New Jersey Stars” need remedial help, 80% in some counties. New Jersey must do better for its children and be more honest with its citizens.
I call on the State Board of Education to follow through and raise standards on the HSPA, abolish the Special Review Assessment except for students who have emotional disabilities and reform tenure so that it is not lifetime and to make it easier to remove ineffective teachers.
Reverend Reginald Jackson, stumping for Chris Daggett (at least on his education agenda).