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October 30, 2015Something is Changing in Newark: The Empowerment of Charter School Parents
On Monday night the Newark School Advisory Board held its monthly meeting, with an added feature of a Newark Teachers Union “walk-in” to protest charter school expansion. and lobby for a charter moratorium, despite 10,000 Newark children on waiting lists. Nothing new there, just par for the course.
But, as John Mooney at NJ Spotlight reports,
A new dynamic has also entered the fray in the form of charter-school parents. About 30 filled the middle of the audience last night, and at times they directly confronted their schools’ critics in what has been at the center of debate in the city.
A big crowd of charter-school families – some estimated there were as many as 400 people — came out last week to speak in favor of the Uncommon Schools charter network’s bid before the city’s Planning Board to build a new school in the Central Ward.
Several spoke during public comments last night — a rare occurrence, as testimony has been consistently anti-charter. And when NTU President John Abeigon roamed the aisles of the high school auditorium to rev up his members, one charter parent confronted him: “What makes you so mad?
An NTU supporter shot back at the woman: “Go to your own meeting.”
The charter advocate did not back down: “This is my meeting. I live in Newark, too.”
That’s what’s changing: parents of Newark charter school students are starting to fight back against the narrative circulated by bloggers like Bob Braun that these independent public schools skim off top students or are responsible for budget woes or are unwelcome in the city. These parents have a group called “Hands off Our Future Collective” and on Monday night they were bold enough to show up at the Board meeting.
Braun. of course, was horrified that “pro-charter school parents and leaders” showed up “to push back against increasing demands by pro-public school activists to slow the burgeoning growth of the privately-operated charter schools.” He was even more offended that “many in the audience cheered one speaker who insisted charter school parents had a ‘constitutional right’ to send their children to publicly-funded but privately-operated schools.”
I won’t spend any more time on him. Let’s turn to these empowered Newark parents and residents of the Hands off Our Future Collective:
Shennell McCloud: “WHY A FEW OF OUR PARENT JUST GOT MAD AT THE MEETING—– John Abiegon, head of the Newark Teachers Union, just came over to our group of Parents and said it’s our fault Newark Public Schools are failing! Are we trying to work toward a brighter future for our children or a brighter future for the Newark Teachers Union?”
Nicole Harris: “[Over 60% of] Newark students are still performing below proficiency in literary and math. Why aren’t district parents screaming about that?”
Tish Johnson: “They have these kids [from the Newark Student Union, who were led by Robert Cabanas of NJ Communities United] brainwashed about the wrong issues… They should be upset they are receiving a sub par education and won’t be able to pass the HSPA and graduate from HS.”
Haneef Auguste (in response to catcalls to “go to your own meeting): “Yes our schools. Ours defined as the children of Newark.”
Flammyn Dezyre McGuire: “The woman said she doesn’t care about the curriculum, she cares about the budget. Ummmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!So as long as the money is there she’s alright with the CHILDREN not being on their correct levels in reading and math. Smgdh.”
Ben Cope: ” Debra, we are all confused as to where the money is going. All we know is not much of it makes it to the budget the principal controls. Like $7500/$20000 in some cases. Why NPS schools are struggling is a longer story. Part money but part corruption and laws and rules that protect adults rights 1000 to 1 over children’s learning. Like many others said tonight if we stopped fighting each other maybe we could share best practices.”
Sydney Scott-Williams: “How is anything going to be solved with ignorance?”
Parents in Newark are concerned about the millions of dollars that are kicked back to NPS, yet none is filtering to students' need. How can the District waste funds on overtime when clearly children are flocking to a stream of schools operating on 10%less?
I would love to know more about these “parent” groups and I'm sure you would too.
For example, who is funding the new political group PC2P, created to politically mobilize charter parents in Newark?
They have a staff of 20 and growing. They also have a slick web site, but no board of directors or funders are listed on that slick site.
It has to cost several million a year, at minimum, to fund all that.
Who do you think is paying for it?
I'm betting its the Walton Family Foundation (the ones that made billions by exploiting low income workers in their stores) and lots of billionaire hedge fund managers who are hiding behind the Newark faces hired to front this group.
How do you think the people of Newark would feel about all the outside, ideologically extreme money funding these folks?
You don't suppose fear of that reaction is why they are so secretive about their funders, do you?
I wonder when these “parent” groups will come clean and show where the millions they received are coming from?
Kipp Thrive academy etc.. and North Star academy spend more on administration and less on the kids than the Newark School district.
Kips spends 4800 per pupil for administration
North Star spends 3500 per pupil for administration
NPS spends 1900 per pupil for administration.
A bit more information about PC2E (Parent Coalition for Excellent Education).
The group is headed by a former Chief of Staff to Jersey Mayor Steve Fulop.
Coincidentally, the Walton Family Foundation has created an office in Jersey City and is hiring an additional program officer for that office.
The Waltons also are major funders of the Uncommon and Kipp charter chains, which are leading the Newark and Camden efforts to politically mobilize charter parents to support charter school expansion.
And, the Walton family funds the misnamed Democrats for Education Reform, which recently hired Lowenstein Sandler partner and failed Newark Mayoral candidate Shavar Jeffries to be its new Executive Director.
So the very White and very conservative Arkansas Waltons are laundering their school privatization dollars behind lots of Black and Brown Newark faces.
I wonder how the people of Newark would feel about that?
Certainly, PC2E is not rushing to let anyone know that this is the source of the organization's funding.
Now what were you saying about the empowerment of Newark parents, Laura?
Seems more like the buying of political influence.