NJEA and Schundler Embrace Ed Reform?
May 28, 2010Are Charters the Answer to NJ After 3?
June 1, 2010Sunday Leftovers
An audit of Camden Public Schools finds that the Schools Food Services Dept. is missing $2 million. In addition, thousands of meals were purchased but never served, says the Courier Post.
The Wall St. Journal profiles two graduating seniors from a largely Hispanic and impoverished neighborhood in Oklahoma City, one who attended a charter school and one who attended a traditional public school.
Bob Ingle says that Christie blinked first and NJEA won the battle over NJ’s Race To The Top application.
PolitickerNJ reports that a Fairleigh Dickinson University poll reveals that not only have Gov. Christie’s approval numbers gone down, but so have NJEA’s: “It is unusual for any one interest group to be front and center for such a sustained time in state politics,” said Peter Woolley, a political scientist and director of the poll. “It is even more unusual that a candidate, party or interest group investing so much in advertising and organizing would lose ground.”
The Center for Education Reform’s “RTTT Reality Check” says that Race To The Top is “too good to be true:” “reviewer comments paints a depressing portrait of the reform landscape – and a stark reminder that sometimes, crafty text in applications doesn’t reflect reality.”
E3’s Derrell Bradford and NJEA Prez Barbara Keshishian go head to head in the Asbury Park Press on whether or not teacher tenure has outlived its usefulness.
The Record reviews how the Christie Administration is backing away from forced consolidation of school districts.
The Philadelphia Inquirer looks at voters’ discontent regarding school administrators’ pay.
NJ Spotlight looks at miniscule movement for urban schools on the part of the School Construction Corps: “50 projects are sitting in limbo, and state officials said yesterday it could be at least several more months before they learn their fates.”
Assemblyman Paul Moriarty has introduced legislation that would move school board elections to November, reports New Jersey Newsroom. Budgets under cap would escape public votes and Board members would be seated first thing in January.
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