Quote of the Day
February 26, 2010Ledger: Freeze Teacher Salaries
March 1, 2010Sunday Leftovers
Must-read Record piece on NJEA vs. Christie. Says Exec. Dir. Vince Giordano (who makes $263K/year) “We’re as strong as we’ve ever been. We’re not out of the ring…When the politicians get out of education, we’ll get out of politics.” Replies Richard Bozza of the New Jersey Association of School Administrators. “It’s the union’s job to protect its members and it’s the governor’s job to protect everyone.”
John Bury of the Star-Ledger calculates the true savings in the pension and benefits reform bills, concluding that “S2 is likely to pass over the fake outrage of unions. I expect NJEA radio ads and maybe a rally somewhere in Trenton if the snow isn’t too bad. It’s all for form. The bill will do nothing. Nobody with any significant benefits coming from this plan will be impacted in the slightest.”
The NJEA leadership outlines the impact of the bills for its members.
Bob Ingle worries that the pension and benefits reform bills will get stalled in the Assembly and notes that while the “rank and file” union members understand the need for reform, “it’s the union leaders who think the gravy train can go on forever. There’s a big dose of reality just ahead for them.”
The Star-Ledger Editorial Board applauds the bills, but says they don’t go far enough: “Sick pay is for being sick. How about banning these payouts altogether?“
The Record says Editorial Board says “stop the madness”: “Whatever sweet deals existed in the past are over — the double-standard between public and private workers is about to end.”
The Gloucester County Times suggests that the NJEA leadership and Christie tone down the rhetoric: “This is a vital debate, but making it sound like a grudge match or a never-ending election campaign is not especially helpful.”
New Jersey School Boards Association urges local districts to pass resolutions opposing the State’s seizure of surplus funds and the projected aid freeze.
Teachers at Trenton Central High say grading policies were changed so that failing students would be given passing grades.
Union City News tries to figure out how Union City Public Schools was able to sock away $38 million in surplus funds.