Newark Traditional Schools “Embrace” Charters Through Universal Enrollment Plan
November 22, 2013Sunday Leftovers
November 24, 2013Terrible Metaphor of the Day,
courtesy of Southward Councilman Ras Baraka, aspiring mayor of Newark, regarding the NJ Department of Education’s ongoing control of Newark Public Schools:
“The takeover of Newark’s public schools is tantamount to slavery in terms of an attack on our democracy,” said Baraka, principal of Newark’s Central High School. “The people of this community need to control the destiny of their schools.” (PolitickerNJ)
Why no comment on the NJ Spotlight story about the TEACHNJ pilot results?
Has anyone thought about what would happen if anything approaching 14% of NJ's roughly 112,000 teachers were dismissed for lack of competence?
Are there 15,000 qualified replacements “standing-by waiting for your call”?
Be careful what you wish for.
Check out Sunday Leftovers, Kallikak. And, as always, I love to hear from you.