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April 11, 2013Trenton Mayor Deposes School Board President
Trenton Mayor Tony Mack, winner of the Star-Ledger’s Knucklehead of the Year Award, is canning the president of the school board. From the Trenton Times:
Mayor Tony Mack has ousted the Trenton Board of Education’s president, declining to appoint him to a second, three-year term.
The Rev. Toby Sanders and former board President Nicola Tatum were replaced with the appointments of two new board members, who were sworn in yesterday by the mayor a month in advance of Sanders’ and Tatum’s terms expiring in May.
The relationship between Mack and Sanders has been strained, and the two men have not spoken in a year and a half, Sanders said yesterday. Sanders was notified of his removal in a one-sentence letter mailed to his home last week, which said his services were no longer required on the board.
“Honestly, it’s odd to me,” Sanders said of the letter yesterday. “It’s just odd to me and I’m trying to process it.”