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March 15, 2024Details On Why the South Orange-Maplewood Principal Is Facing Criminal Charges
Since news broke that South Orange-Maplewood high school principal Frank Sanchez has been charged with second-degree child endangerment and simple assault, there have been expressions of outrage from those who consider Sanchez an excellent principal. Former SOMA School Board member Courtney Winkfield posted on social media, “the incident was there was a fight at Columbia High School in which Principal Sanchez tried to intervene for student safety.” Other commenters on this article believe “this is a complete hit job,” “our principal is beloved,” and the student “was actually in a fight [and] was known for being in prior fights…It is identity politics at its worst…they are being strong-armed by a special interest group.”
Not according to the Essex County Prosecutor’s Office and the Maplewood Police Department. The warrant, “The State of New Jersey vs. Frank R Sanchez,” concludes there is enough evidence to proceed with criminal charges. (Image of the warrant, with the student’s name redacted, is reproduced below; you can also see it here.)
Details From the Warrant
The warrant says that on March 9th of last year Sanchez, “having assumed responsibility for the care of [the student’] did cause the child harm that would make the child an abused or neglected child.” (This is language echoing New Jersey’s Code of Criminal Justice,) Then, “To wit: by pushing and/or shoving and/or grabbing [the student], causing her to sustain injury.”
In the section of the warrant called “Description of Relevant Facts and Circumstances,” on December 22nd, 2023—nine and a half months after the alleged abuse—Interim Superintendent Kevin Gilbert notified the Maplewood Police Department that in April, a few weeks after the incident, the student had filed an Affirmative Action complaint against Sanchez. Gilbert told the police that, in response to the complaint, the district had “hired an outside investigator for the matter.” The investigator concluded that Gilbert must notify the police.
From the warrant:
“The investigator determined there was physical contact between the Defendant [Sanchez] including pushing, shoving, and grabbing. Throughout the course of this matter’s investigation it was discovered that a Central Office Incident Alert Form was generated on March 10th, 2023 [the day following the incident]. The [Alert Form] details that the Defendant is seen on video footage with his hand on [the student’s] arm, pulling her towards the staircase. At the staircase [the student] pulls away from the Defendant. Subsequently, for about thirty seconds, the two go back and forth, with the Defendant holding [the student’s] arm and [the student] attempting to pull away. Shortly thereafter, the video footage depicts the pair falling through the door, with the Defendant holding [the student] against the wall. In addition to detailing the video footage, another student’s account of what he witnessed is detailed in this Form [the one filed by a Columbia staff member], specifically that the Defendant ‘grabbed’ [the student] and put his hands on her for no reason’…as a result she had bruising.”
On another page of the warrant is a list of “additional relevant information [that] will emerge as the investigation continues.”
Here is the current list:
- The charges were based on the observations/statements made by eyewitnesses. The witnesses’ statements were recorded via audio and/or video.
- The offense/incident was recorded using electronic/surveillance cameras.
- The defendant was known to the victim as School Principal.
- Physical evidence was seized/recovered, including camera footage.
- Children were present at the time of the offense and a child was the victim.
NJ Ed Report has asked the South Orange-Maplewood school board president, Qawi Telesford, for comment. If he replies, we will update this article.
For a second-degree charge of child endangerment, there is a presumption of jail time, usually 5-10 years, even for first-offenders.
Tonight at 6:30 members of the community are planning a rally in support of Sanchez, starting at Maplewood Town Hall and marching towards the venue for tonight’s school board meeting at 7:15.