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April 5, 2023Murphy’s Education Commissioner Releases Formal Resolution Directing State Board to Lower Standards
Ed. Note: In preparation for tomorrow’s State Board of Education meeting, Commissioner Angelica Allen-McMillan has released a formal resolution to lower the “cut scores” for the state’s high school diploma-qualifying test from 750, which means “meets expectations,” to 725, which means “partially meets expectations.” For my view of this action (think “64 Floor”), read this.
A Resolution Establishing Proficient Level Cut Score Standards for the New Jersey Graduation Proficiency Assessment (NJGPA): Mathematics and English Language Arts
Whereas, according to N.J.S.A. 18A:7C-1, the Acting Commissioner of Education with the approval of the State Board of Education shall establish a program of standards for graduation from secondary school, and such a program shall include, but not belimited to the development of a Statewide test in reading, writing and computational skills to be administered to all secondary school pupils as provided herein, and clear and explicit Statewide levels of proficiency in reading, writing and computational skills to be demonstrated as a minimum requirement for high school graduation; and
Whereas, according to N.J.S.A. 18A:7C-6, the State graduation proficiency test shall be administered to all 11th grade pupils and to any 11th or 12th grade pupil who has
previously failed to demonstrate mastery of State graduation proficiency standards on said test; and
Whereas, the establishment of cut scores was completed for the State graduation proficiency test, called the New Jersey Graduation Proficiency Assessment (NJGPA), in
accordance with industry best practices in large-scale assessment to determine the assessments’ validity and the theoretically appropriate performance level cut scores; and
Whereas, the State Board acknowledges the Department’s selection of the respective NJGPA proficient level cut scores; and
Whereas, the Department will monitor the impact of these tests and proficient level cut scores on the proficiency rates and will report any problems with the same to the State Board; now therefore be it
Resolved, that the New Jersey State Board of Education hereby approves the following proficient level cut scores, effective May 3, 2023: NJGPA Graduation Ready Cut Scores”
ELA:725 Mathematics: 725
Angelica Allen-McMillan, Ed.D., Acting Commissioner of New Jersey Department of Education
Kathy Goldenberg, President, N.J. State Board of Education
1 Comment
requiring less? seriously? that’s her plan? shameful…administrator, parent, teacher and student goals should be the highest standard…