New Newsworks post: Both Christie and Buono Lack Realistic Education Funding Plans
October 31, 2013NJEA PAC is “Leading Spender” in Elections
November 1, 2013NCTQ on New Jersey’s Teacher Evaluation System
The National Council on Teacher Quality has just released its 2013 report on states’ progress in improving teacher evaluation systems. Eight states — Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Michigan, Rhode Island and Tennessee – have made the most substantive reforms. New Jersey has also made good progress via TEACHNJ, our new teacher evaluation system that connects student outcomes to judgments on classroom effectiveness and tenure, but more work needs to be done.
NJ would benefit, says NCTQ, by linking compensation to performance, as well as allowing school districts, during lay-offs, to keep their most effective teachers regardless of seniority. We should also place student teachers with mentors who have track records of instructional effectiveness and improve teacher preparation programs.