New Jersey Presidents’ Council Grants Three More Graduate Programs to NJCTL
March 17, 2023
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March 20, 2023Oroho Statement on Partial Restoration of School Funding
Senate Republican Leader Steven Oroho (R-24) issued the following statement in response to legislation that would partially restore school funding that’s being cut in Governor Phil Murphy’s FY 2024 State Budget proposal (for background, see here):
“Senate Republicans continue to believe that there is no reason for the Murphy administration to cut funding to any school district when the state has a massive $10 billion budget surplus.
“We support the partial restoration of funding that has been proposed but remain concerned that it is a one-year solution to a long-term problem. Unless we change the school funding formula permanently, school districts will lose the temporarily restored money next year and face even deeper cuts in state aid. We need a school funding solution that looks further than Election Day this year.”
Real Social Justice Warriors Would Keep This Test
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