October 8, 2008

Break out the Incense

Here’s a must-read piece in today’s Education Week on the current court battle about New Jersey’s school funding formula. Since 1981 when Abbott v Burke […]
October 7, 2008

Whack-A-Mole the Jersey Way

The reputation of local school boards and administrators in New Jersey is dappled with some fresh mud today. For starters, the National School Boards Association […]
October 6, 2008


Update: Ray Pinney, who blogs at NJSBA, recounts some harsh exchanges at the September 22nd meeting of the Assembly Education Committee. During discussion of the […]
October 3, 2008

Target Practice

For a fine example of how New Jersey clobbers a flea with an uzi, take a look at this story in today’s Star-Ledger regarding the […]
October 2, 2008

Corey Booker Takes on NJEA

The October issue of School Reform News has just reprinted an article originally printed in the Rocky Mountain News during the Democratic Convention in Denver. […]
October 1, 2008

Plop Plop Fizz Fizz

Question: How are local school boards reacting to the reams of regulations recently issued by the DOE?Answer: Pass the alka-seltzer. The first part of these […]
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