September 16, 2008
Slings and arrows continue to pierce the sore hides of New Jersey’s superintendents. The Star-Ledger reports on a business administrator at Delaware Valley Regional High […]
September 15, 2008
Yesterday’s Star-Ledger has a piece about Newark’s high school graduation rate, and New Jersey’s lack of any standard formula for calculating this data. According to […]
September 15, 2008
Megan McArdle, a blogger for the Atlantic Monthly has a thoughtful description of the dysfunction within education, specifically unions vs. bureaucrats: The school system is […]
September 12, 2008
Marie Bilik, Executive Director of New Jersey School Boards Association, has been busy defending the honor of NJ’s 4800 school board members as our public […]
September 12, 2008
The North Jersey Record gives some more details on the lawsuit filed by NJASA against the State for unconstitutionally infringing on its members’ right to […]
September 11, 2008
Last night a federal court ruled that the State DOE had indeed overstepped its power by trying to regulate superintendents’ contracts. The suit against the […]