September 9, 2008

Easy Come, Easy Go

The New York Times reports today on an ongoing dispute about the economics and politics of school construction in New Jersey, specifically the allocation of […]
September 9, 2008

Check Your Blind Spot

New Jersey’s 615 school districts weep inefficiency. So it’s old news that the State is pushing hard on mergers of smaller towns. The Burlington County […]
September 9, 2008

Have They Tried Craigslist?

A report in the Atlantic City Press on a new superintendent in Atlantic County takes note of the high turnover rate of superintendents in NJ. […]
September 9, 2008

Park Place or Baltic Avenue?

Word has leaked out that the DOE will soon be issuing a boiler-plate contract for local districts to use for their superintendents. Reportedly, the State […]
September 5, 2008

More on School Board liability

The Star-Ledger reports on the liability of the Newark School Board in the case of the survivors of three college students who were fatally shot […]
September 5, 2008

Keansburg update

The Asbury Park Press reports today that the DOE’s case against the Keansburg superintendent, who is due to receive $184,586 in unused sick days and […]
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