February 26, 2018

Here’s What It’s Like to Have a Teacher Think You Can’t Write Because You’re a Black Boy From Trenton.

(This piece, originally published at Education Post, is by Tre Johnson, a freelance writer on race, culture and politics. He’s also an educator, advocate and part-time […]
October 21, 2010

Logical Corollary

The Star-Ledger Editorial Board worries today that the recent surge in applications for new charter schools – a record 51 at last count — will […]
September 3, 2010

Trenton Wreck, Union Dreck

Here’s Trenton School Board member Marcellus Smith’s description of Trenton Central High: “a ninth-to-twelfth-grade disaster.” How bad is it? The freshman class typically numbers 800 […]
August 23, 2010

Giving it Up for Trenton

At what point does a state government concede defeat regarding a school district’s accountability? Seems like that might be right now in the Trenton Public […]
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